Adhesive union bridge for old and new concrete

The product is formulated with watery dispersed acrylic polymers, which resist ultraviolet rays., and it is an adherence promoter among new and old concrete and mortars; it also resists aggressive waters, oils and hydrocarbons. Hormium improves physical mortar and concrete resistance.


Hormium can be used in old floors repairing, which need a new compression coat or new arrangements of low thickness. The product promotes stuccoes adherence on smooth or waterproof concrete, it improves mortar adherence in tiles application, etc.

Surface preparation

The surface must be solid, clean and exempt of strange materials, and the surface must be wet but without puddles. To use Hormium the temperature must be always higher than 5ºC.

Instructions for use

For the union of new and old floors you should previously wet the surface with abundant water, and then dry the puddles with a brush. After that you water the product over the old concrete and you can pour the new concrete over it.
For small repairing, such as pillar arrises, stair steps, floor holes, etc. the product is diluted directly in the mixing water (the dosage is 250 ml. for each 50 Kg. cement bag); you must mix until you obtain the desired consistence. On the previously wet surface apply a primer (preparation coat) mixing Hormium with water (the proportion is 1/1). In all the cases a primer must be applied before the work which will be done with everything wet. Repaired zones must be protected against wind and the direct sun.


For mortars with low thickness 1/1 with water, and mixed with this mixture.
For the reconstruction of an old mortar with a thickness over 10 cm. 250 cm3 per 50 Kg Portland cement.
For the primer 1/1 with water: 6-8 m².



Packing and storing

Hormium is packed in hermetic barrels of 55-110-220 Lt., according to EC packing and storing directives for chemical products.

Hygiene and safety

See product label.


Principal function: Adherence promoter.
Secondary function: Fluidizer.
Secondary effect: Air includer.
Aspect: Opaque liquid
Colour: slightly blue.
Viscosity (A4, V50, 25ºC):25±10 cPs
Halogenure content (UNE 83.210):2.590 mg. / additive gr.
pH (UNE 83.227) :9,3 ±0,5
Specific weight at 20ºC (UNE 83.225):1.06 gr. /cm³ approx.
Dry residuum at 105ºC±3ºC (UNE 83.205):47.0%± 2%
Resistance to compression variation in mortars
(UNE 83.210):
with constant water:
(minimum dosage: 250 grs./50 Kg P.C.)
3 367 Kgs/cm²
7 412 Kgs/cm²
28 492 Kgs/cm²
90 530 Kgs/cm²
with constant consistence: (maximum dosage:250 grs./50 Kg P.C.)
3 394 Kgs/cm²
7 443 Kgs/cm²
28 526 Kgs/cm²
90 580 Kgs/cm²

Adherence between old concrete and new additivated concrete: >450 Kgf.


- La presente ficha técnica sirve, al igual que todas las demás recomendaciones e información técnica, únicamente para la descripción de las características del producto, forma de empleo y su aplicaciones. Los datos e informaciones reproducidas se basan en nuestros conocimientos técnicos obtenidos en bibliografia, en ensayos de laboratorio y en la práctica.
- Los datos sobre consumo y dosificación que figuran en esta ficha técnica se basan en nuestra propia experiencia, por lo que estos son susceptibles de variaciones debido a las diferentes condiciones de las obras. Los consumos y dosificaciones reales deberán determinarse en la obra mediante ensayos previos y son responsabilidad del cliente.
- Para un asesoramiento adicional, nuestro Departamento de Química Aplicada para la Construcción, está a su disposición.
- Otras aplicaciones del producto que no se ajusten a las indicadas, no serán de nuestra responsabilidad.
- Otorgamos garantía en caso de defectos en la calidad de fabricación de nuestros productos, quedando excluidas las reclamaciones adicionales, siendo de nuestra responsabilidad tan sólo la de reingresar el valor de la mercancía suministrada.
- Deben tenerse en cuenta las eventuales reservas correspondientes a patentes o derechos de terceros.
- La presente ficha técnica pierde su validez con la aplicación de una nueva edición.