Adhesive joining bridge for concrete and mortars

Formulation with polymers acrylics in aqueous dispersion, resistance to ultraviolet radiation, as a promoter of the adherence between new and old mortars/concrete, resistant to aggressive waters, oils and hydrocarbons.
Improve the physical resistance of the mortars.


Repairs old pavements that needs a new coat of compression, and little increase of thickness.
Promotes the adherence of revokes in concrete. Improves the adherence of the mortar for the collocation of flagstone, glaze tile, etc. It’s perfect as joint bridge between old and new mortars, its perfect for the general restoration.

Surface preparation

The surface must be solid, clean and exempt of any estrange matter, must be damp but not flooded. The environmental temperature must be superior to 5ºC.

Instructions for use

For the join bridge between old or new concrete pavements, damp previously the surface with plenty of water and then swept the puddles, hose down with the product instants before to pour the new concrete.
For little reparations, such as: pillar edge, ladder steps, pot holes on pavements, etc. Dilute it straight into the mass water, dosage of 400ml per 50kg of c.p and mass the mortar till obtaining the desire consistency.
On the surface previously damp, apply a priming coat mixing ADEPLAS with water in dosage of 1/0,5. In all cases must apply prime and work in fresco. The repaired zones or coatings, must be protect from the wind and direct sun.


For mortars of little thickness: 1:0, 5 with water.
To increase the concrete thickness superior to 10cm: 400ml per 50kg C.P
For priming: 1/0, 5 with water: 4-6m2


Slightly pink.

Packing and storing

ADEPLAS is presented in hermetic barrels of 60 and 120l, according to EC packing and storing directives for chemical products.

Hygiene and safety

See product label.


Main function: Adherence promoter.
Secondary Function: Fluidificator.
Secondary Effect: Air enclosure
Aspect: Opaque liquid
Colour: Slightly pink
Density at 20ºC: 1,01±0,02 g/ml
Viscosity ( CF nº3, 25ºC): 26 ± 4’’
Halogenuros content (UNE 83210): 2,590 mg/g. Additive.
pH. (UNE 83.227): 8,9 ± 1,0.
Dry Extract (Auto, 120ºC, sand): 23%±2%
Resistance variation to the compression in mortars (UNE 80.101)


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- Para un asesoramiento adicional, nuestro Departamento de Química Aplicada para la Construcción, está a su disposición.
- Otras aplicaciones del producto que no se ajusten a las indicadas, no serán de nuestra responsabilidad.
- Otorgamos garantía en caso de defectos en la calidad de fabricación de nuestros productos, quedando excluidas las reclamaciones adicionales, siendo de nuestra responsabilidad tan sólo la de reingresar el valor de la mercancía suministrada.
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