Colourless wall waterproof.

It is a water-repellent product developed to protect walls made of brick, natural and artificial stone, and all kind of porous or semi-porous surfaces. It’s essential in all kinds of building works where there are moisture problems, prevent from efflorescence, small crumbling, pollution, premature ageing, chemical attacks, etc.


Water-repellent of alkaline character that avoids the penetration of water and the damages caused by humidity, efflorescence and moss.
The product is totally colourless and it does not modify the aspect of the surface, throw off the water without obstructing the natural material exudation. It resists chemical aggressions and as it is a watery solution it is easy to apply on supports lightly wet. PROTECTOR F does not create a film, like other products, and it acts by capillarity or impregnation, so it does not show alterations on the treated surface.
Improves the performance of the plastic paints or acrylics.

Surface preparation

The surface must be dry and without dust. The efflorescence must be removed before the application of PROTECTOR F. Do not use the product with temperatures below 5ºC. PROTECT ANODIZED ALUMINIUM.

Instructions for use

Its appropriate to waterproof all kind of materials used in the building industry, as long as the surfaces to treat are not fissured or cracked, appropriate to waterproof and water-repellent the concrete, mortars, natural stones or artificial, wall-up, bricks, fibrocement, tiles and any other porous materials.


Depending on the absorbency and the roughness of the surface and the way to apply the product, 1 litre PROTECTOR F will cover from 3 to 5 m². To find the exact consumption it is useful to do a previous test on the surface to treat.

Absorption tests on different supports:

Application on bricks without a coat:
Application on concrete:3m²/litre.
Application on mortar:3m²/litre.
Application on natural stone:2.5m²/litre.
Application on fibrocement:5m²/litre.
Application on artificial stone:2m²/litre.



Packing and storing

PROTECTOR F is packed in hermetic barrels; according to EC packing and storing directives for chemical products.

Hygiene and safety

It does not require special precautions. Professional use. Protect anodized aluminium from the contact with the product.


Aspect: Colourless transparent liquid.
Viscosity (Copa Ford Nº4, 20ºC): 10”-12”pH (UNE 83.277):12,5 ± 1
Density at 20ºC: 1, 2 ± 0.02 g/ml.
Dry extract (auto, 120ºC, sand):3±0, 5%
Water-repellent Power: OK


- La presente ficha técnica sirve, al igual que todas las demás recomendaciones e información técnica, únicamente para la descripción de las características del producto, forma de empleo y su aplicaciones. Los datos e informaciones reproducidas se basan en nuestros conocimientos técnicos obtenidos en bibliografia, en ensayos de laboratorio y en la práctica.
- Los datos sobre consumo y dosificación que figuran en esta ficha técnica se basan en nuestra propia experiencia, por lo que estos son susceptibles de variaciones debido a las diferentes condiciones de las obras. Los consumos y dosificaciones reales deberán determinarse en la obra mediante ensayos previos y son responsabilidad del cliente.
- Para un asesoramiento adicional, nuestro Departamento de Química Aplicada para la Construcción, está a su disposición.
- Otras aplicaciones del producto que no se ajusten a las indicadas, no serán de nuestra responsabilidad.
- Otorgamos garantía en caso de defectos en la calidad de fabricación de nuestros productos, quedando excluidas las reclamaciones adicionales, siendo de nuestra responsabilidad tan sólo la de reingresar el valor de la mercancía suministrada.
- Deben tenerse en cuenta las eventuales reservas correspondientes a patentes o derechos de terceros.
- La presente ficha técnica pierde su validez con la aplicación de una nueva edición.